Manta raysManta raysManta Ray

Latin name: Manta birostris, Hawaiian Name: Hahalua.
Big Island, Hawaii, USA

It is believed that the Manta Ray evolved millions of years ago into the creature we know it to be today, but we still don’t know very much about them. They are very large creatures, with only the shark and whale being larger than they are. It isn’t known how many Manta Rays are left in the world. Those that live around the area of Hawaii are the most protected due to the low number.

Sea turtleManta raysHawaiian Green Sea Turtle

Latin name: Chelonia mydas, Hawaiian Name: Huna.
Big Island, Hawaii, USA

Male and female green turtles look alike until they are mature. Then, the male develops a long tail extending beyond the hind flippers. A female's tail extends only a short distance beyond the end of her shell. When they are active, sea turtles must swim to the ocean surface to breathe every few minutes. When resting, they can remain underwater for as long as 2 1/2 hours without breathing. Turtles have been swimming around for the past 200 million years but now, in Hawaii, the green turtle is a threatened species. Only 100 to 350 females nest each year.

Stone fishDevil Scorpionfish

Latin name: Scorpaenopsis diabolus, Hawaiian name: nohu
Big Island, Hawaii, USA

I was out swimming and freediving, looking for turtles when some fellow swimmers pointed out this little creature for me. Searching for bigger "pray", I would never have seen his guy otherwise - in that clever disguise!

ButterflyfishRaccoon Butterflyfish

Latin name: Chaetodon Lunula, Hawaiian name: kikakapu
Big Island, Hawaii, USA

The fish is very easy to find in Hawai'i waters. The name comes from the face of the fish, which resembles the masked face of a Raccoon. Butterflyfish can be found from sea level to a depth of 600 feet though the Raccoon Butterflyfish tends more towards the shallower reefs where it feeds mainly on a wide variety of soft-bodied invertebrates.

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